Our Strategic Vision
Transforming fisheries and aquaculture into a competitive, modern and dynamic, sustainable development based sector of the economic life of Bulgaria and improving the quality of life in fisheries communities
Development of ecological aquaculture production

Measures to improve the quality of water used in aquaculture production

Introduction of innovative technologies in aquaculture production

Construction of production facilities in order to increase the volume of production of high quality fingerlings

Gathering information on consumer demand and consumption of fish and fishery products

Monitoring and scientific assessment of the state of the aquatic environment

Develop a strategy to protect and improve the aquatic environment in fisheries areas

Maintaining stocks of economically valuable fish in water bodies

Maintaining reproductive herds of native species and producing the fingerlings, required for the implementation of the Programs to Support the Sustainable Development of Wild Populations

Development of new markets and advertising campaigns

Development and diversification of economic activities and the creation of alternative sources of revenue, such as fishing tourism, recreational and sport fishing